Spanish Songs -Lyrics & Credits
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SONG LIST (Lyrics in next section below)
1. Que Llueva
2.Los Elefantes (Counting Song)
3.Mama Yo Quiero
4. Me Gusta Tu Cara (Free Verse)
5. La Tia Monica
6. La Bamba
7. Pimpon
8. El Alfabeto (A,B,C Song)
9. Bate Bate Chocolate (Rhyme)
10. San Severino
11. Cancion De Color (Color Song)
12. Arroz con Leche
13. Doce Meses (Months of the Year Song)
14. De Colores
15. Dias De La Semana (Days of the Week Song)
16. Flamenco
17. Buenos Dias (Greeting Song)
18. La Cucaracha
19. Una Rata Vieja
20 Guantanamera

1. Que Llueva (Bring Down the Rain) (Traditional Spain) Que Llueva, que llueva La Virgen de la Cueva Los pajaritos cantan, Las nubes se levantan. ¡Que si, que no, que caiga un chaparrón! ¡Que si, que no, que caiga un chaparrón! Let it rain, let it rain, the bear is in the cave The little birds are singing, the clouds are quickly rising Oh yes! Oh no! We gladly wait the storm Oh yes! Oh no! We gladly wait the storm It’s raining it’s pouring the old man is snoring. Featuring: Additional music by Peter Farnan; Vocals by Susie Tallman Arranged by Peter Farnan and Susie Tallman Children Singers: Mischa Brindeiro, Sara Cook, Miller Fenlason, Alessandra Gonzalez, Grace Grady, Mary Grady, Vivienne Laughlin, Claire McCarthy, Ronan McCarthy, Delilah Muxworthy, Dillon Muxworthy, AnaLucia Rael Torres, Gabriel Sias, Jackson Smith, Lance Yarbrough, Trent Yarbrough
2. Los Elefantes (Traditional Mexico) Un Elefante se balanceaba, sobre la tela de una araña. Como veía que resistía, fue a llamar a otro Elefante. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez! An elephant was swinging on a spider web. As I saw that it resisted, he went to call another elephant. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Featuring: Additional music by Peter Farnan; Vocals by Susie Tallman Arranged by Peter Farnan & Susie Tallman Children Singers: Ava Craig, Stella Craig, Zoe Nagro, Ellie Veitch, Violett Weed, Scarlett Weed
3. Mama Yo Quiero/Mama Paquita (Mama I Want) (Traditional Brazil) Mama yo quiero, mama yo quiero Mama yo quiero cantar Quiero la guitar, quiero la bajo Quiero cantar y la rumba pa’bailar Mama I want, Mama I want Mama I want to sing I want the guitar, I want the bass I want to sing and dance the rumba RAP: Mama Paquita, Mama Paquita Mama Paquita has no money for papayas, Can’t buy papayas, can’t buy bananas So let’s dance the night away at Carnival! Featuring: Additional music by Peter Farnan; Vocals by Susie Tallman Arranged by Peter Farnan & Susie Tallman Rapper: Annelise Daniels. Children Singers: Ella Burkett, Annelise Daniels, Ava Daniels, Camille Dingreville, Ellison Fehr, Ondine Fehr, Jude Stermer, Ellie Veitch, Scarlett Weed, Violett Weed, Rylee Wixom, Lance Yarbrough, Trent Yarbrough
4. Me Gusta Tu Cara (I Like Your Face) (Original-New Mexico) Me gusta tu cara Me gusta tu cara Pelo, Hair Nariz, Nose Orejas, Ears Boca, Mouth Dientes, Teeth Ojos, Eyes Cara, Face Me gusta tu cara Featuring: Music by Peter Farnan, Lyrics by Susie Tallman, Keisha Wixom, Rylee Wixom; Vocals by Keisha Wixom and Rylee Wixom
5. La Tía Mónica Yo tengo una tía llamada Mónica que cuando va a bailar le dicen oo, la, la Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la, la Así mueve los ojos, así, así, así, Así da una vuelta, así, así, así She likes to move her eyes; she likes it just like me She likes to spin and spin, round and round like me I have an aunt who dances, her name is Mónica, and when she starts to dance Everyone goes ooh, la, la Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la la Guitar Así mueve los ojos, así, así, así, Así da una vuelta, así, así, así She likes to move her eyes; she likes it just like me She likes to spin and spin, round and round like me Yo tengo una tía llamada Mónica, que cuando va a bailar le dicen oo, la, la. Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la, la She likes to move her eyes; she likes it just like me She likes to spin and spin, round and round like me Yo tengo una tía llamada Mónica, que cuando va a bailar le dicen oo, la, la Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la, la Guitar Yo tengo una tía llamada Mónica que cuando va a bailar le dicen oo, la, la Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la la She likes to move her eyes; she likes it just like me She likes to spin and spin, round and round like me Yo tengo una tía llamada Mónica que cuando va a bailar le dicen oo, la, la. Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la la Guitar She likes to move her eyes; she likes it just like me She likes to spin and spin, round and round like me Yo tengo una tía llamada Mónica que cuando va a bailar le dicen oo, la, la. Oo, la, la, oo, la, la, le dicen oo, la la
6. La Bamba (Mexico, Music & Lyrics by Ritchie Valens, EMI Longitude Music, Co.) Para bailar la bamba, para bailar la bamba Se necesita una poca de Gracia una poca de Gracia Para mí, para ti Ay, arriba y arriba, Ay arriba y arriba Por ti sere, por ti seré, por ti seré To dance the Bamba, to dance Bamba It takes a little grace, for me for you Oh, up and up, Oh up and up For you I will be, for you I will be, For you I will be I’m not a sailor, I’m not a sailor I’m a captain, I’m a captain, I’m a captain Bamba, Bamba Bamba, Bamba Bamba, Bamba Featuring: Vocals by Susie Tallman; Additional vocals by Sharee Gariety Children Singers: kaycie Ann Boetger, Arizvet Garary, Jaden Northrup, Ella Parker, Mireya Torres, Tessa Yarbrough
7. Pimpón (Traditional Mexico) Pimpón es un muñeco con manos de carton Se lava la carita con agua y con jabón Pimpón is a nice puppet with hands made of paper He likes to wash his face with lots of soap and water Pimpón es un muñeco con manos de carton Se lava las manitas con agua y con jabón Pimpón is a nice puppet with hands made of paper He likes to wash his hands with lots of soap and water Pimpón give me your hand with a kind and sweet smile I want to be your friend, Pimpón, Pimpón, Pimpón RAP: Pimpón is a puppet who likes to dance and sing Shout out to chica lica, now let’s get going Pimpón is a puppet con manos made of paper He likes to wash his hands, raise them up, raise them up Raise your hands up Now swing them around and clap unos, dos Now bring them down, jump up and down Pimpón dame la mano Con una dulce sonrisa Quiero ser tu amigo Pimpón, Pimpón, Pimpón So that is the story of a puppet named Pimpón, quiero ser tu amigo Pimpón, Pimpón, Pimpón Featuring: Additional Music by Peter Farnan Additional Lyrics and Vocals by Susie Tallman Arranged by Peter Farnan & Susie Tallman Tapper: Rylee Wixom Children Singers: Ella Burkett, Camille Dingreville, Ellison Fehr & Rylee Wixom
8. El Alfabeto (The ABC Song) (Original, New Mexico) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z (CH, LL were officially removed from the Spanish Alphabet by the Royal Spanish Academy in 2010, making it 27 letters instead of 29.) Featuring: Music by Peter Farnan & Susie Tallman Vocals by Susie Tallman Children Singers: Delilah Muxworthy, Dillon Muxworthy, Eric ‘Casper’ Strauss, Evianna Strauss
9. Báte Báte Chocoláte (Traditional Mexican chant about making mole) Báte Báte Chocoláte Con arroz y con tomate Uno dos tres CHO Uno dos tres CO Unos dos tres LA Unos dos tres TE ¡Chocoláte, Chocoláte, Chocoláte, Chocoláte! Featuring: Music by Eloy Gonzales. Vocals by Susie Tallman, James Fehr, Tessa Yarbrough
10. San Severino (Spain and other Spanish speaking areas of the world. San Severino is also called San Sereni, San Serenin or Saint Saturnin) San Severino, de la buena, buena vida. San Severino, de la buena, buena vida. así, asi, asi, haci los panaderos así, así, así.Así me gusta a mí. San Severino, de la buena, buena vida. San Severino, de la buena, buena vida. San Severino, de la buena, buena vida. así, así, así.Así me gusta a mí. Pat, pat roll the dough (Pat, Pat roll the dough) Tap, tap on the shoe, (Tap, tap on the shoe) Saint Severino of the good, good, good life Saint Severino of the good, good, good life The bakers go like this, I like to do it too The bakers go like this, I like to do it too Saint Severino of the good, good, good life San Severino, de la buena, buena vida. así, asi, asi, haci los carpinteros así, asi, asi, I like to do it too Clap, Clap use your hammer (Clap, clap use your hammer) Push, pull wash the clothes (Push, pull wash the clothes) San Severino, de la buena, buena vida Saint Severino of the good, good, good life así, asi, asi, haci las lavanderas así, así, así.Así me gusta a mí. Featuring: Additional Music by Peter Farnan; Vocals by Susie Tallman Arranged by Peter Farnan & Susie Tallman Children Singers: Ella Burkett, Camille Dingreville, Ellison Fehr, Grace Grady, Mary Grady, Claire McCarthy, Ronan McCarthy, Delilah Muxworthy, Dillon Muxworthy, Jackson Smith, Rylee Wixom, Lance Yarbrough, Trent Yarbrough